I finally took the plunge and signed my kids up for swim lessons. I was so concerned about Alex’s sensory issues and his reluctance to follow directions that I haven’t looked into lessons until this summer.
I thought private lessons would be best and was pointed in the direction of John Griffin, the Lodi Swim Team head coach. My hope was to receive some referrals from him, but instead, I was thrilled to learn that he was giving private lessons through a program called “Swim America” with his crew of talented teens at Tokay High.
He offered 3 sessions; each consisting of eight 30-minute lessons over a two-week period…and the price was reasonable too!
Thank goodness for experienced instructors, because, if it were up to me, I would have rescued my kids from the terror of the initial plunge once the cries came – and they came. John just pulled Alex right into the water and started going. Wouldn’t you know it – the crying eventually stopped!
John has been wonderful with Alex, singing to him the whole time in the pool and having him count his kicks to keep him distracted from his fear. He slips in the next challenge so seamlessly that Alex doesn’t have time to object (or at least, not too strongly).
At the start of the second lesson, John picked up Alex in his arms and jumped right into the pool. I almost had a heart attack, but I could tell Alex liked it. In fact, every day his enjoyment is increasing.

I so value teachers, therapists and instructors like John who have come into Alex’s life with a talent for knowing when to ignore his complaints and keep pushing him and when to slow down. It’s an art I haven’t quite mastered yet. All I want to do is take him right out of the uncomfortable situation and feed him his favorite hot dog sandwich.
I must be getting better. At the last lesson I was filming my kids as they cried and bargained for their lives. I just gave them a big thumbs-up and said, “You’re doing great honey!”

For information on how to obtain swim lessons for you child, contact John Griffin at 209-368-8475.
1 comment:
Great job, Molly!
This was particularly fun to read!
-Your Hubby
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